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Free to experiment

Life is too short to keep on doing the same non sense for ages; let's at least try some new non sense....experimenting becomes fun when we aren't scared of failure. There are no failures , just new ways of doing things...

why every day is boring same old routine🤔. The same routine can be lived in many different new ways.. to start the day with changing the place of first water intake of the day; having morning tea with plants and under the sky.... stop talking or thinking same old nonsense by the same data we have gathered over a period...and try to think every little thing in a creative way or absolutely empty our mind for  all the thoughts...isn't it fun...

Trying new food or the same food in different way of Cooking...

Wearing something different than our regular pattern...

Going to different place than regular one for buying things....just to meet new people.

Changing the conversation topics with our bring spice to conversation...

Changing the old arrangements of the furniture...

Doing same things in different manner.....

Every moment is new....if we make it a new

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